lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method; JPEG-compressed images are usually stored in the JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) file format. The JPEG/JFIF filename extension is JPG or JPEG. Nearly every digital camera can save images in the JPEG/JFIF format, which supports eight-bit grayscale images and 24-bit color images (eight bits each for red, green, and blue). JPEG applies lossy compression to images, which can result in a significant reduction of the file size. Applications can determine the degree of compression to apply, and the amount of compression affects the visual quality of the result. When not too great, the compression does not noticeably affect or detract from the image's quality, but JPEG files suffer generational degradation when repeatedly edited and saved. (JPEG also provides lossless image storage, but the lossless version is not widely supported.)

JPEG 2000

JPEG 2000 is a compression standard enabling both lossless and lossy storage. The compression methods used are different from the ones in standard JFIF/JPEG; they improve quality and compression ratios, but also require more computational power to process. JPEG 2000 also adds features that are missing in JPEG. It is not nearly as common as JPEG, but it is used currently in professional movie editing and distribution (some digital cinemas, for example, use JPEG 2000 for individual movie frames).


The Exif (Exchangeable image file format) format is a file standard similar to the JFIF format with TIFF extensions; it is incorporated in the JPEG-writing software used in most cameras. Its purpose is to record and to standardize the exchange of images with image metadata between digital cameras and editing and viewing software. The metadata are recorded for individual images and include such things as camera settings, time and date, shutter speed, exposure, image size, compression, name of camera, color information. When images are viewed or edited by image editing software, all of this image information can be displayed.
The actual Exif metadata as such may be carried within different host formats, e.g. TIFF, JFIF (JPEG) or PNG. IFF-META is another example.


The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format is a flexible format that normally saves eight bits or sixteen bits per color (red, green, blue) for 24-bit and 48-bit totals, respectively, usually using either the TIFF or TIF filename extension. The tagged structure was designed to be easily extendible, and many vendors have introduced proprietary special-purpose tags – with the result that no one reader handles every flavor of TIFF file. TIFFs can be lossy or lossless, depending on the technique chosen for storing the pixel data. Some offer relatively good lossless compression for bi-level (black&white) images. Some digital cameras can save images in TIFF format, using the LZW compression algorithm for lossless storage. TIFF image format is not widely supported by web browsers. TIFF remains widely accepted as a photograph file standard in the printing business. TIFF can handle device-specific color spaces, such as the CMYKdefined by a particular set of printing press inks. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software packages commonly generate some form of TIFF image (often monochromatic) for scanned text pages.


GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is in normal use limited to an 8-bit palette, or 256 colors (while 24-bit color depth is technically possible). GIF is most suitable for storing graphics with few colors, such as simple diagrams, shapes, logos, and cartoon style images, as it uses LZW lossless compression, which is more effective when large areas have a single color, and less effective for photographic or dithered images. Due to GIF's simplicity and age, it achieved almost universal software support. Due to its animation capabilities, it is still widely used to provide image animation effects, despite its low compression ratio compared to modern video formats.


The BMP file format (Windows bitmap) handles graphic files within the Microsoft Windows OS. Typically, BMP files are uncompressed, and therefore large and lossless; their advantage is their simple structure and wide acceptance in Windows programs.


The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file format was created as a free, open-source alternative to GIF. The PNG file format supports eight-bit paletted images (with optional transparency for all palette colors) and 24-bit truecolor (16 million colors) or 48-bit truecolor with and without alpha channel - while GIF supports only 256 colors and a single transparent color.
Compared to JPEG, PNG excels when the image has large, uniformly colored areas. Even for photographs – where JPEG is often the choice for final distribution since its compression technique typically yields smaller file sizes – PNG is still well-suited to storing images during the editing process because of its lossless compression.
PNG provides a patent-free replacement for GIF (though GIF is itself now patent-free), and can also replace many common uses of TIFF. Indexed-color, grayscale, and truecolor images are supported, plus an optional alpha channel. The Adam7 interlacing allows an early preview, even when only a small percentage of the image data has been transmitted. PNG can store gamma and chromaticity data for improved color matching on heterogeneous platforms.
PNG is designed to work well in online viewing applications like web browsers and can be fully streamed with a progressive display option. PNG is robust, providing both full file integrity checking and simple detection of common transmission errors.
Animated formats derived from PNG are MNG and APNG. The latter is supported by Mozilla Firefox and Opera and is backwards compatible with PNG.


Netpbm format is a family including the portable pixmap file format (PPM), the portable graymap file format (PGM) and the portable bitmap file format (PBM). These are either pure ASCIIfiles or raw binary files with an ASCII header that provide very basic functionality and serve as a lowest common denominator for converting pixmap, graymap, or bitmap files between different platforms. Several applications refer to them collectively as PNM (Portable aNy Map).


WebP is a new open image format that uses both lossless and lossy compression. It was designed by Google to reduce image file size to speed up web page loading: its principal purpose is to supersede JPEG as the primary format for photographs on the web. WebP is based on VP8's intra-frame coding and uses a container based on RIFF.

HDR raster formats

Most typical raster formats cannot store HDR data (32 bit floating point values per pixel component), which is why some relatively old or complex formats are still predominant here, and worth mentioning separately. Newer alternatives are showing up, though. RGBE is the format for HDR images originating from Radiance and also supported by Adobe Photoshop.


The High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) is an image container format that was standardized by MPEG on the basis of the ISO base media file format. While HEIF can be used with any image compression format, the HEIF standard specifies the storage of HEVC intra-coded images and HEVC-coded image sequences taking advantage of inter-picture prediction.


BAT was released into the public domain by C-Cube Microsystems. The "official" file format for JPEG files is SPIFF (Still Picture Interchange File Format), but by the time it was released, BAT had already achieved wide acceptance. SPIFF, which has the ISO designation 10918-3, offers more versatile compression, color management, and metadata capacity than JPEG/BAT, but it has little support. It may be superseded by JPEG 2000/DIG 2000: ISO SC29/WG1, JPEG - Information Links. Digital Imaging Group, "JPEG 2000 and the DIG: The Picture of Compatibility."

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Icaria High School is located in Vila Olimpica disstrict. It’s a very big School withabout !! students. It has a large "ootball "iel and a hoc#ey. It also has pinpong tables
and a normal hard with beches. It has a small par#ing and changing rooms "or the ones
who do sport.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

Session 13 

a) What is a hacker ? It's a person that steals information from the internet. 

b)What is a virus? It's a macious computer prograg that locks your computer.

 c)What is a router? is a machine that recibes pakages. 

d)What can happen when pakets of infomatin are send over the internet ? They can be hacked or caught by a virus 

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

session 7

1. it is an avrebation for information technology: false
2. the internet and the world wide web(www) are the same thing: true
3. a browser is a person tht enjoys locing at the www: false
4. you can see picturesand words on-line but you can not lisen to the sounds: false
5. you need the newest fastest computer to use the web: false
6. the most internet users are men: false
7. @ is called "at" in english: true

2 match

a browser :The software lets you access the WWW

to download: To get programs from the Internet

to chat: To have a conversation through the Internet by griting or speaking

a modern: thing that connects computer to the internet

wi-fi : sireless device that allows computers to connect to the Internet using a router

session 7

1. it is an avrebation for information technology: false
2. the internet and the world wide web(www) are the same thing: true
3. a browser is a person tht enjoys locing at the www: false
4. you can see picturesand words on-line but you can not lisen to the sounds: false
5. you need the newest fastest computer to use the web: false
6. the most internet users are men: false
7. @ is called "at" in english: true

2 match

a browser :The software lets you access the WWW

to download: To get programs from the Internet

to chat: To have a conversation through the Internet by griting or speaking

a modern:

wi-fi : Thing that connects a computer to the Internet

on-line: when you are connected to the Internet


Scroll down/up: move the page up or down using the side tabs with your mouse

3.choose the word

I use a fast modem to conect my computer to the internet
Realplayer is a computer softwear that allows you to liset to music.
I allways save my documents on floppy discs
Chat is a good way to know other people on the internet
A beep is a sound your computer when there is an error


1 that the search engine is only for searching information an the browser is for ererithing. duckduck go, google chrome.
2 i use google
3 chrome